Jelaslah bahwa istilah lingkungan hidup sengaja diciptakan manusia untuk kepentingan manusia.Menurut UU no. 23 tahun 1997 tentang pengelolah, lingkungan hidup dijelaskan bahwa lingkungan hidup adalah : ‘kesatuan ruang dengan semua benda, daya,keadaan, dan makhluk hidup termasuk manusia dan prilakunya yang mempengaruhi kelangsungan perikehidupan dan kesejahtraan manusia serta makhluk hidup lainnya’.
Lingkungan dapat dikelompokkan atas lingkungan alam dan lingkungan sosial. Keanekaragaman yang terjadi dilingkungan mutlak perlu demi terciptanya suatu keseimbangan dalam ekosistem. Sebab, persoalan lingkungan mencakup energi,materi, ruangan dan waktu.
Selain lingkungan hayati dikenal pula lingkungan fisik yakni panorama alam, bebatuan,sungai dan gunung, dataran tinggi, danau, rawa, tanah, udara, hujan, sinar matahari. Contoh lebih jelas adalah sebagai berikut.gunung takuban perahu. di jawa barat. Peristiwa banjir disuatu wilayah luapan lumpur lapindo brantas di sidoarjo, jawa timur menjadi bahan pembicaraan warga masyarakat tentang telah terjadinya pencemaran lingkungan hidup.
Dengan demikian ,kita dapat mengatakan bahwa lingkungan alam merupakan sumber daya .artinya persoalan lingkungan hidup sebagai sumber daya berkaitan erat dengan budaya dan teknologi yang di miliki manusia .
Dalam pangertian sehari-hari,istilah lingkungan hidup cukup disebut lingkungan dalam kehidupan di persempit menjadi kawasan atau daerah tertentu dengan ciri-ciri tertentu pula .contoh lingkungan perkantoran,lingkungan pemukiman ,lingkungan sekolah, lingkunngan pertokoan, lingkungan industri,dan sebagainya.
Total Tayangan Halaman
Minggu, 02 Januari 2011
Tanggal : 19 februari – 20 maret
Umum : berkompromi bukan mendadak kalah tapi akan terlihat kamu jadi bijaksana dan mau menerima saran dari orang lain. Dan jangan sungkan buat bilang tidak, kalau memang ada yang tidak cocok terutama masalah pinjam-meminjam uang.
Love : jangan terlalu cemas dan khawatir, kasih doi kepercayaan.
Umum : berkompromi bukan mendadak kalah tapi akan terlihat kamu jadi bijaksana dan mau menerima saran dari orang lain. Dan jangan sungkan buat bilang tidak, kalau memang ada yang tidak cocok terutama masalah pinjam-meminjam uang.
Love : jangan terlalu cemas dan khawatir, kasih doi kepercayaan.
Tanggal : 21 januari – 18 februari
Umum : selama menunggu memang waktu jadi sangat lambat dan kesabaran jadi tipis. Tapi jangan cepat frustasi, ingat kata pepatah, “orang sabar disayang tuhan”.
Love : kelihatannya ada yang sedang terpesona dengan kamu. Tapi jangan keburu nafsu, artikan dengan benar supaya tidak ada salah paham.
Umum : selama menunggu memang waktu jadi sangat lambat dan kesabaran jadi tipis. Tapi jangan cepat frustasi, ingat kata pepatah, “orang sabar disayang tuhan”.
Love : kelihatannya ada yang sedang terpesona dengan kamu. Tapi jangan keburu nafsu, artikan dengan benar supaya tidak ada salah paham.
Tanggal : 22 desember – 20 januari
Umum : mencoba hal yang baru punya efek yang sangat positif. Dan itu bagus buat penyegaran kamu yang lagi bosen sama rutinitas menonton.
Love : kalau memang masih ragu-ragu minta pendapat teman dekat, tapi ingat keputusan tetap saja di kamu.
Umum : mencoba hal yang baru punya efek yang sangat positif. Dan itu bagus buat penyegaran kamu yang lagi bosen sama rutinitas menonton.
Love : kalau memang masih ragu-ragu minta pendapat teman dekat, tapi ingat keputusan tetap saja di kamu.
Tanggal : 23 november – 21 desember
Umum : banyak teman banyak rejaki. Terus buka jaringan baru dengan mengenal orang-orang baru dan cari peluang buat kerjasama. Untuk sementara waktu coba kurangi hobi bermusik dan konsentrasi kehal yang lebih penting dulu.
Love : janji adalah hutang. Jadi jangan coba-coba mengumbar janji kalau sedah pasti tidak bisa penuhi. Namanya juga rayuan gombal.
Umum : banyak teman banyak rejaki. Terus buka jaringan baru dengan mengenal orang-orang baru dan cari peluang buat kerjasama. Untuk sementara waktu coba kurangi hobi bermusik dan konsentrasi kehal yang lebih penting dulu.
Love : janji adalah hutang. Jadi jangan coba-coba mengumbar janji kalau sedah pasti tidak bisa penuhi. Namanya juga rayuan gombal.
Tanggal : 23 oktober – 22 november
Umum : selesaikan masalah dengan cepat sebab kalau ditunda bisa jadi besar dan melebar ke hal yang lain. Kalau memang lagi malas minta tolong sama teman buat bantu selesaikan, jangan hanya diam saja.
Love : kamu berdua memang kompak dan harmonis terus lihat kedepan dan buang yang sudah berlalu.
Umum : selesaikan masalah dengan cepat sebab kalau ditunda bisa jadi besar dan melebar ke hal yang lain. Kalau memang lagi malas minta tolong sama teman buat bantu selesaikan, jangan hanya diam saja.
Love : kamu berdua memang kompak dan harmonis terus lihat kedepan dan buang yang sudah berlalu.
Tanggal : 23 september – 22 oktober
Umum : tawaran yang semuladitolak sekarang waktunya diterima. Kamu bisa jadi pusat perhatian seperti artis asalkan jangan sombong dahulu. Tetap tersenyum dan optimis hadapi hidup.
Love : selingkuh menjadi nomor satu hancurnya hubungan cinta. Jadi kalau tidak mau kehilangan jangan pernah mencoba.
Umum : tawaran yang semuladitolak sekarang waktunya diterima. Kamu bisa jadi pusat perhatian seperti artis asalkan jangan sombong dahulu. Tetap tersenyum dan optimis hadapi hidup.
Love : selingkuh menjadi nomor satu hancurnya hubungan cinta. Jadi kalau tidak mau kehilangan jangan pernah mencoba.
Tanggal : 22 agustus – 22 september
Umum : jangan lupa cicil pekerjaan rumah sebelum terlambat. Jangan sampai terkena hukuman yang seharusnya bisa dihindari, ingat orang rajin disayang semua.
Love : makin dekat semakin deg-degan. Jangan lupa jaga penampilan sebab kesan pertama yang paling menggoda.
Umum : jangan lupa cicil pekerjaan rumah sebelum terlambat. Jangan sampai terkena hukuman yang seharusnya bisa dihindari, ingat orang rajin disayang semua.
Love : makin dekat semakin deg-degan. Jangan lupa jaga penampilan sebab kesan pertama yang paling menggoda.
Tanggal : 23 juli – 22 agustus
Umum : hindari mengkritik orang lain apalagi sampai bikin tersingung. Apa pun itu hargailah usaha yang sudah mereka buat. Coba rasakan sebaliknya kalau karya yang kamu buat dianggap tidak berguna sama orang lain.
Love : cari suasana romantis seperti di salah satu cafe atau restoran buat nyatakan perasaan kamu. Ingat jangan di dalam bioskop!!!
Umum : hindari mengkritik orang lain apalagi sampai bikin tersingung. Apa pun itu hargailah usaha yang sudah mereka buat. Coba rasakan sebaliknya kalau karya yang kamu buat dianggap tidak berguna sama orang lain.
Love : cari suasana romantis seperti di salah satu cafe atau restoran buat nyatakan perasaan kamu. Ingat jangan di dalam bioskop!!!
Tanggal : 21 juni – 20 juli
Umum : kebijakan dan pertimbangan yang kamu kasih ke teman ternyata berhasil. Selamat buat kamu sebab habis ini banyak yang perhatikan kualitas kamu buat selesaikan masalah.
Love : doi masih berusaha mengerti kondisi yang kamu hadapi sekarang. Tetap jalin komunikasi atau kamu akan kehilangan.
Umum : kebijakan dan pertimbangan yang kamu kasih ke teman ternyata berhasil. Selamat buat kamu sebab habis ini banyak yang perhatikan kualitas kamu buat selesaikan masalah.
Love : doi masih berusaha mengerti kondisi yang kamu hadapi sekarang. Tetap jalin komunikasi atau kamu akan kehilangan.
Tanggal : 23 mei – 22 juni
Umum : jangan kurang ajar... pikir-pikir dulu sebelum bertindak sebab kecerobohan kita bisa berakibat fatal bagi orang lain juga. Teliti sebelum berkata dan bertindak jadi pencegahan yang paling bagus.
Love : siapkan diri buat ketemu seseorang yang mempesona. Jomblo memang menyenangkan tapi jangan lupa buat cari pasangan.
Umum : jangan kurang ajar... pikir-pikir dulu sebelum bertindak sebab kecerobohan kita bisa berakibat fatal bagi orang lain juga. Teliti sebelum berkata dan bertindak jadi pencegahan yang paling bagus.
Love : siapkan diri buat ketemu seseorang yang mempesona. Jomblo memang menyenangkan tapi jangan lupa buat cari pasangan.
Tanggal : 21 april – 20 mei
Umum : cari-cari alasan buat bolos jangan sampai keseringan. Kamu tidak mau kan di cap malas dan kurang berkualitas. Kalau memang lagi bosen cari kesibukan baru atau jalan-jalan ketempat wisata.
Love : hargai setiap perhatian yang diberikan meski hanya menanyakan “sudah makan apa belum”.
Umum : cari-cari alasan buat bolos jangan sampai keseringan. Kamu tidak mau kan di cap malas dan kurang berkualitas. Kalau memang lagi bosen cari kesibukan baru atau jalan-jalan ketempat wisata.
Love : hargai setiap perhatian yang diberikan meski hanya menanyakan “sudah makan apa belum”.
Tanggal : 21 maret – 20 april
Umum : beres-beres file di komputer dan bersihin rumah bisa jadi kesibukan yang positif. Apalagi sebentar lagi akan ada proyek besar yang butuh kinerja maksimal. Jadi jangan sampai gara-gara sampah kamu jadi terlambat deadline.
Love : tidak ada yang sempurna termasuk doi yang kamu pilih. Coba lihat kelebihannya buat nutupin kekurangan. Bukan sebaliknya.
Umum : beres-beres file di komputer dan bersihin rumah bisa jadi kesibukan yang positif. Apalagi sebentar lagi akan ada proyek besar yang butuh kinerja maksimal. Jadi jangan sampai gara-gara sampah kamu jadi terlambat deadline.
Love : tidak ada yang sempurna termasuk doi yang kamu pilih. Coba lihat kelebihannya buat nutupin kekurangan. Bukan sebaliknya.
Allmy mightis funeral flight
Tonight it glows for you
It’s fueled with fire a killing desire
For people you’ve screwad
So what you feel now, it’s coming
And what you need now, it’s coming
And what you feel now, it’s coming
And what you need now, it’s coming
Get it you want it I’ve got it
I’m gonna get it good
Get it, I’ve got it, you want it
I’m gonna get it
What doesn’t kil it surely will
Make I stronger still
I’m fueled with fire a killing desire
For people you’ve screwed, screwed.
Tonight it glows for you
It’s fueled with fire a killing desire
For people you’ve screwad
So what you feel now, it’s coming
And what you need now, it’s coming
And what you feel now, it’s coming
And what you need now, it’s coming
Get it you want it I’ve got it
I’m gonna get it good
Get it, I’ve got it, you want it
I’m gonna get it
What doesn’t kil it surely will
Make I stronger still
I’m fueled with fire a killing desire
For people you’ve screwed, screwed.
Banyak yang mendukung adanya amandemen UUD 1945 ini, salah satunya adalah kalangan Dewan Perwakilan Daerah(DPD). Sebab sejak perubahan keempat UUD 1945 pada 1999-2002 masih menyisahkan beberapa persoalan yang harus segera dituntaskan, terutama didaerah.
Saat ini hubungan pusat dan daerah masih belum jelas, sehingga berimplikasi terhadap anggaran yang harus turun dari APBN, masalahnya itu karena banyak alokasi dana untuk daerah digunakan untuk pembangunan dipusat. Karena itu, amandemen UUD 1945 ini untuk memperjelas hubungan dan sinkronisasi pembangunan antara pusat dan daerah.
Untuk menjadikan daerah sebagai aktor pembangunan nasional, amandemen UUD 1945 diperlukan untuk memberikan kewenangan yang proposional dan untuk membenahi hubungan antara pusat dan daerah. Walaupun problem kontitusional itu adalah ketika daerah tidak menjadi aktor utama dalam pembangunan nasional. Sebab, aktor pembangunan masih ada di pusat terutama presiden dan DPR serta partai politik.
Saat ini hubungan pusat dan daerah masih belum jelas, sehingga berimplikasi terhadap anggaran yang harus turun dari APBN, masalahnya itu karena banyak alokasi dana untuk daerah digunakan untuk pembangunan dipusat. Karena itu, amandemen UUD 1945 ini untuk memperjelas hubungan dan sinkronisasi pembangunan antara pusat dan daerah.
Untuk menjadikan daerah sebagai aktor pembangunan nasional, amandemen UUD 1945 diperlukan untuk memberikan kewenangan yang proposional dan untuk membenahi hubungan antara pusat dan daerah. Walaupun problem kontitusional itu adalah ketika daerah tidak menjadi aktor utama dalam pembangunan nasional. Sebab, aktor pembangunan masih ada di pusat terutama presiden dan DPR serta partai politik.
Penonton timnas Indonesia terus berusaha untuk mendukung pemain dengan segala cara, salah satunya adalah dengan cara membeli tiket dan memberi dukungan dengan yel-yel. walaupun untuk mendukung harus mengeluarkan uang yang cukup besar apalagi timnas masuk dalam semi final itu membuat masyarakat menjadi sangat berminat untuk membeli tiket walaupun harganya sedikit mahal dibandingkan pada saat sebelumnya.
Dengan Dibarengkannya harga tiket yang naik dari harga sebelumnya seharusnya PSSI menyediakan fasilitas yang lebih baik, seperti pada saat penukaran tiket seharusnya ditanggapi dengan baik dan tidak menyepelekan, kalau masyarakat Indonesia yang membeli tiket dan menonton siyapa lagi. Karena itu mohon PSSI untuk memberikan solusi yang efisien dalam hal yang seperti ini.
Dengan Dibarengkannya harga tiket yang naik dari harga sebelumnya seharusnya PSSI menyediakan fasilitas yang lebih baik, seperti pada saat penukaran tiket seharusnya ditanggapi dengan baik dan tidak menyepelekan, kalau masyarakat Indonesia yang membeli tiket dan menonton siyapa lagi. Karena itu mohon PSSI untuk memberikan solusi yang efisien dalam hal yang seperti ini.
Banyak yang mendukung adanya amandemen UUD 1945 ini, salah satunya adalah kalangan Dewan Perwakilan Daerah(DPD). Sebab sejak perubahan keempat UUD 1945 pada 1999-2002 masih menyisahkan beberapa persoalan yang harus segera dituntaskan, terutama didaerah.
Saat ini hubungan pusat dan daerah masih belum jelas, sehingga berimplikasi terhadap anggaran yang harus turun dari APBN, masalahnya itu karena banyak alokasi dana untuk daerah digunakan untuk pembangunan dipusat. Karena itu, amandemen UUD 1945 ini untuk memperjelas hubungan dan sinkronisasi pembangunan antara pusat dan daerah.
Untuk menjadikan daerah sebagai aktor pembangunan nasional, amandemen UUD 1945 diperlukan untuk memberikan kewenangan yang proposional dan untuk membenahi hubungan antara pusat dan daerah. Walaupun problem kontitusional itu adalah ketika daerah tidak menjadi aktor utama dalam pembangunan nasional. Sebab, aktor pembangunan masih ada di pusat terutama presiden dan DPR serta partai politik.
Saat ini hubungan pusat dan daerah masih belum jelas, sehingga berimplikasi terhadap anggaran yang harus turun dari APBN, masalahnya itu karena banyak alokasi dana untuk daerah digunakan untuk pembangunan dipusat. Karena itu, amandemen UUD 1945 ini untuk memperjelas hubungan dan sinkronisasi pembangunan antara pusat dan daerah.
Untuk menjadikan daerah sebagai aktor pembangunan nasional, amandemen UUD 1945 diperlukan untuk memberikan kewenangan yang proposional dan untuk membenahi hubungan antara pusat dan daerah. Walaupun problem kontitusional itu adalah ketika daerah tidak menjadi aktor utama dalam pembangunan nasional. Sebab, aktor pembangunan masih ada di pusat terutama presiden dan DPR serta partai politik.
Banyak anak-anak sekarang sudah tidak mencicipi bangku sekolah atau pun banyak anak-anak yang putus sekolah, semua itu dikarenakan kurangnya atau terbatasnya biaya-biaya yang harus mereka gunakan. Apa yang akan pemerintah lakukak jika melehit banyak anak-anak yang bermain di bawah jembatan layang dan di tambah lamabang negara yaitu burung garuda.
Anak-anak itu tidak sekolah melainakan mereka semua bermain, walaupun anak-anak itu terlihat senang tapi menurut saya mereka akan lebih senang lagi jika dapat bersekolah dan mengejar cita-cita mereka dan bisa mengejar apa yang mereka impikan.
Apalagi anak-anak adalah tulang punggung negara dan bangsa untuk masa depan, jika anak-anak ini tidak memiliki kemampuan yang cukup dalam berkompetisi dengan negara-negara lain untuk masa depan, maka negara ini akan menjadi lebih jatuh. Padahal sekarang ini saja dengan orang-orang yang cerdas negara ini masih ada kendala, apa lagi pada saat generasi mereka yang menggantikan.
Anak-anak itu tidak sekolah melainakan mereka semua bermain, walaupun anak-anak itu terlihat senang tapi menurut saya mereka akan lebih senang lagi jika dapat bersekolah dan mengejar cita-cita mereka dan bisa mengejar apa yang mereka impikan.
Apalagi anak-anak adalah tulang punggung negara dan bangsa untuk masa depan, jika anak-anak ini tidak memiliki kemampuan yang cukup dalam berkompetisi dengan negara-negara lain untuk masa depan, maka negara ini akan menjadi lebih jatuh. Padahal sekarang ini saja dengan orang-orang yang cerdas negara ini masih ada kendala, apa lagi pada saat generasi mereka yang menggantikan.
Parleman masih terus mencoba RUU Intelijen agar hasilnya lebih baik dan matang, dan DPR pun berjanji akan menyelesaikan segera, tapi belum berani menyebutkan waktunya. Pada saat ini RUU Intelijen terus melakukan secara mendalam oleh I DPR. Adapun isu yang menarik dalam wacana oleh komisi I yaitu perlunya dibentuk subkomisi atau komite yang khusus mengawasi lembaga intelijen negara.
Dalam masuknya wacana ini dalam pembahasan RUU intelijen adalah terobosan terbaru dalam reformasi intelijen negara. Karena selama ini pengawasan tersebut merupakan tugas DPR. Dengan pembentukan subkomisi ini praktik-praktik pelanggaran HAM akan bisa diawasi. Namun format ini masih harus di perdalam lagi sebelum dapat diundangakan.
Dalam masuknya wacana ini dalam pembahasan RUU intelijen adalah terobosan terbaru dalam reformasi intelijen negara. Karena selama ini pengawasan tersebut merupakan tugas DPR. Dengan pembentukan subkomisi ini praktik-praktik pelanggaran HAM akan bisa diawasi. Namun format ini masih harus di perdalam lagi sebelum dapat diundangakan.
Setahun sudah Kabinet Indonesia bersatu II berjalan, tapi kerja dari mentri-mentri tidak memuaskan dan tidak menjalankan tugas-tugasnya dengan baik. Masyarakat pun yang menjadi korbannya, yaitu pada saat ada yang korupsi, mentri kurang cepat tanggap dalam mengatasi dan mencari solusinya, apa lagi jika sudah ada yang tertangkap dan sudah dijatuhkan hukuman, tetapi banyak yang kembali bebas karena mendapatkan remisi.
Itu hanya sebagian kecil keterlamabatan mentri-mentri menanggapi atau dalam mencari solusi yang tepat atas semua yang terjadi. Mudah-mudahan dengan cara mengganti mentri-mentri yang kurang becus dalam menjalankan atau kurang cepat dalam menjalankan tugasnya menjadi labih baik dan kinerjanya memuaskan. Agar masyarakat tidak menjadi korban yang seharusnya masyarakat itu yang di tolong atau di bantu.
Itu hanya sebagian kecil keterlamabatan mentri-mentri menanggapi atau dalam mencari solusi yang tepat atas semua yang terjadi. Mudah-mudahan dengan cara mengganti mentri-mentri yang kurang becus dalam menjalankan atau kurang cepat dalam menjalankan tugasnya menjadi labih baik dan kinerjanya memuaskan. Agar masyarakat tidak menjadi korban yang seharusnya masyarakat itu yang di tolong atau di bantu.
In 1996, the original tomb raider was launched.
3D game design, controls and graphics were trully groun
Breaking with a unique, female human playable character
With which they could become emotionally attached, lara
Croft. The original tomb raider sold over seven mollion
Copies and is still heralded as an absolute classic and one
Of the best action adventure game ever. Tomb raider
Defind the playStation and changed the way that people played games.
In tribule to this and to celebrate and commemorate the
Continuing development of the tomb raider franchise and
Its central character, crystal dynamics are developing a
New tomb raider adventure for lara. Inspire by the
Original tomb raider video game; lara croft tomb raider:
Anniversary faithfully preserves the elements which made
The original tomb raider game such classic.
3D game design, controls and graphics were trully groun
Breaking with a unique, female human playable character
With which they could become emotionally attached, lara
Croft. The original tomb raider sold over seven mollion
Copies and is still heralded as an absolute classic and one
Of the best action adventure game ever. Tomb raider
Defind the playStation and changed the way that people played games.
In tribule to this and to celebrate and commemorate the
Continuing development of the tomb raider franchise and
Its central character, crystal dynamics are developing a
New tomb raider adventure for lara. Inspire by the
Original tomb raider video game; lara croft tomb raider:
Anniversary faithfully preserves the elements which made
The original tomb raider game such classic.
Control a cast of characters and tell your own stories
In the sims. Create your soms, give them personalities,
Control every move make, customize their world, buils their homes, create their
Food, and design their fashion! Guide them in their careers fulfill their aspirations
As you build their social network and avoid their enemies. Savor the peaks of pleasure
And witness the trials of pain your sims lives.
In the sims. Create your soms, give them personalities,
Control every move make, customize their world, buils their homes, create their
Food, and design their fashion! Guide them in their careers fulfill their aspirations
As you build their social network and avoid their enemies. Savor the peaks of pleasure
And witness the trials of pain your sims lives.
When we last saw crash bandicoot he had just defeates
His arch-nemusis, Dr.Neo Cortex, and was taking some
Well earned time off. So now here he is, with him super smart sis,
Coco, and friendly companion, aku aku,
soaking up a few rays on the beach.But, as we all know,
Diabolical evil always find a way to ruin crash’s day.
By harnessing the destructive power of the four
Elements, air, earth, water and fire, Dr. Neo Cortex
Creates crunch, a super Bandicoot with on mission.
His arch-nemusis, Dr.Neo Cortex, and was taking some
Well earned time off. So now here he is, with him super smart sis,
Coco, and friendly companion, aku aku,
soaking up a few rays on the beach.But, as we all know,
Diabolical evil always find a way to ruin crash’s day.
By harnessing the destructive power of the four
Elements, air, earth, water and fire, Dr. Neo Cortex
Creates crunch, a super Bandicoot with on mission.
As expected, this game is another 3D fighting title based on the popular naruto
Shippuden anime. This verion will feature lots of time skin characters ( marked
In parenthesis below ), an RPG mode that allows players to roam through sections
Of the village and speak with characters and introduces “assist characters”.
They can be called upon during a match to do extra damage. More damage will
Be done if you select characters who have some kind of reletionsip ao association
In the anime/manga. In which case you can create a unique jutsus during the
Fight. Summons have been removed from the game
Shippuden anime. This verion will feature lots of time skin characters ( marked
In parenthesis below ), an RPG mode that allows players to roam through sections
Of the village and speak with characters and introduces “assist characters”.
They can be called upon during a match to do extra damage. More damage will
Be done if you select characters who have some kind of reletionsip ao association
In the anime/manga. In which case you can create a unique jutsus during the
Fight. Summons have been removed from the game
Resident evil: outbreak tells the dramatic story of un uotbreak caused by a secret biological weapon infecting the people of raccoon city.
Citysens are turning into flesh-ceting zombies that swarm the streets.
Wage war againt the pharmaccutical giant.
Umbrella, who is responsible for the events leading up to this disastor: in the shadow of this nightmare are a few desperate survivors.
You take the role of the distraught few as they search for traces of life.
You must find a way to get out of this city before the goverment quarantines the entire area by firing a missile and destroying all proof of existence. You must beat the clock or die trying. Resident evil:outbreak is the story of the survivors. Fighting to endure this horrific ordeal.
Citysens are turning into flesh-ceting zombies that swarm the streets.
Wage war againt the pharmaccutical giant.
Umbrella, who is responsible for the events leading up to this disastor: in the shadow of this nightmare are a few desperate survivors.
You take the role of the distraught few as they search for traces of life.
You must find a way to get out of this city before the goverment quarantines the entire area by firing a missile and destroying all proof of existence. You must beat the clock or die trying. Resident evil:outbreak is the story of the survivors. Fighting to endure this horrific ordeal.
Kazuki muto is given alife after losing his old one by
Trying to save a girl in the old ghost factory from a
Homunculus, a human that eats humans. The girl,
Tokiko, saved his life by replacing his heart with a
Kakugane. As kazuki learns more of this different
World called alchemy and of how to use his buso
Renkin, he fights together with tokiko to destroy the homunculus.
Trying to save a girl in the old ghost factory from a
Homunculus, a human that eats humans. The girl,
Tokiko, saved his life by replacing his heart with a
Kakugane. As kazuki learns more of this different
World called alchemy and of how to use his buso
Renkin, he fights together with tokiko to destroy the homunculus.
As a part of the US army’s elite special operations forces, you are the first line of Attack for covert operations around the world.
From the war torn streets of Somalia, you have been redaployed to take out targets in colombia and iran.
Organize your team’s attacks on various single-player maps and multiplayer battle-Fields. Wages war over the internet in five new environmants and 30 multiplayer Game types.
More then 50 players can face off over a local network, and you’ll need Cunning tactics and expert gunplay to dominate the competition.
From the war torn streets of Somalia, you have been redaployed to take out targets in colombia and iran.
Organize your team’s attacks on various single-player maps and multiplayer battle-Fields. Wages war over the internet in five new environmants and 30 multiplayer Game types.
More then 50 players can face off over a local network, and you’ll need Cunning tactics and expert gunplay to dominate the competition.
Licensed from MGM interactive, the
Game will follow the premise of the
Film: yet will add some new and interesting
Twists to the plot. Debuting in
U.S. theaters this april, the film is
Based on the comic book published by
Flypaper press in 1999. Internationally
Acclaimed director/producer john woo
And terrance chang’s production
Company, lion rock productions, is
Producing the film.
A mysterious monk with no name has
Zigzagged the globe to protect an
Ancient artifact, the scroll of the
Ultimate, which holds the monk must find a
Protege to be guardian and protect the
Scroll for next generation.
Game will follow the premise of the
Film: yet will add some new and interesting
Twists to the plot. Debuting in
U.S. theaters this april, the film is
Based on the comic book published by
Flypaper press in 1999. Internationally
Acclaimed director/producer john woo
And terrance chang’s production
Company, lion rock productions, is
Producing the film.
A mysterious monk with no name has
Zigzagged the globe to protect an
Ancient artifact, the scroll of the
Ultimate, which holds the monk must find a
Protege to be guardian and protect the
Scroll for next generation.
The main character in the story as asuka kyou
One day be gets drawn into afight as he is
Helping a girl. During the struggle, he is noticed
By a powerful man, a boss of one the largest
Gangs linked to the allience. With his
Recommendation, kyou starts the rise to power
Within his new “familly”
But then boss of the alliance is attacked
From within the organisation,, this is a clever
Trap to destroy the alliance...
One day be gets drawn into afight as he is
Helping a girl. During the struggle, he is noticed
By a powerful man, a boss of one the largest
Gangs linked to the allience. With his
Recommendation, kyou starts the rise to power
Within his new “familly”
But then boss of the alliance is attacked
From within the organisation,, this is a clever
Trap to destroy the alliance...
A full-blown sequel to the creature hunting game
(after the expansion pack,monster hunter G. This new
Title includes a number of new gameplay system.
Monster hunter 2 focuses more closely on giving
Players the feeling of living the life of a hunter. Time
Willnow flow in the game, with appropriate changes to
The fields of play and the enemies that populate them.
You’ll also get a better sense of being part of a town,
With improved online and offline play concepts and
Design. All modes will benefit from new weapons,
new fields of play, and new monsters. When playing online
you’ll have the feeling of being in the same world as
everyone who’s currently logged into the game.
(after the expansion pack,monster hunter G. This new
Title includes a number of new gameplay system.
Monster hunter 2 focuses more closely on giving
Players the feeling of living the life of a hunter. Time
Willnow flow in the game, with appropriate changes to
The fields of play and the enemies that populate them.
You’ll also get a better sense of being part of a town,
With improved online and offline play concepts and
Design. All modes will benefit from new weapons,
new fields of play, and new monsters. When playing online
you’ll have the feeling of being in the same world as
everyone who’s currently logged into the game.
In monster hunter, cretures. From all walks of life coexist with mankind.
The truggle to hunt or be hunted rules the world. Plapers face a
Variety of quests and battle against powerful beings elther aloae offline
Or with the old of others in online gameplay. Objectives very from
Defeating specific beasts, protecting a town or collecting items.
Hunters are richly rewarded for every accomplished objective
Or efforts put forth during battle, allowing them upgrade
Weapons and equipment. The world continues to expand
As difficult missions are successfully accomplished.
The truggle to hunt or be hunted rules the world. Plapers face a
Variety of quests and battle against powerful beings elther aloae offline
Or with the old of others in online gameplay. Objectives very from
Defeating specific beasts, protecting a town or collecting items.
Hunters are richly rewarded for every accomplished objective
Or efforts put forth during battle, allowing them upgrade
Weapons and equipment. The world continues to expand
As difficult missions are successfully accomplished.
Ute is good for the residents of heartliame island,
Especially since new robots and automated
Machines do almost all of the work. But technology is
A tool-not an answer to all problems, maybe that’s
Why everyone is alittle uneasy about the old stories of
Strange magic and a prediction that flame mountain
Will erupt and destroy everything. That’s why Dr.Hope,
A caring and wise old scholar has sent you, his son on
A journy to the ancient ruins and find the meaning of “life”
Grow crops, can for livestock, interact with the many
Villagers and explore a futuristic world as you try to
Unlock the many mysteries sunounding you.
Especially since new robots and automated
Machines do almost all of the work. But technology is
A tool-not an answer to all problems, maybe that’s
Why everyone is alittle uneasy about the old stories of
Strange magic and a prediction that flame mountain
Will erupt and destroy everything. That’s why Dr.Hope,
A caring and wise old scholar has sent you, his son on
A journy to the ancient ruins and find the meaning of “life”
Grow crops, can for livestock, interact with the many
Villagers and explore a futuristic world as you try to
Unlock the many mysteries sunounding you.
Acclaimed game creator michel ancel and the
Montpellier studio collaborate with triple academy
Award –winning filmmaker peter jackson and
Visual-effects company weta ltd. To develop peter
Jackson’s king kong, a video game that will
Capture the imagination, vision and emotion pf the
Epic film. Delve deeper into the film experience
Through alternative viewpoints designed to
Immerse the player into the action and truly ”feel”
The tension of the adventure.
Montpellier studio collaborate with triple academy
Award –winning filmmaker peter jackson and
Visual-effects company weta ltd. To develop peter
Jackson’s king kong, a video game that will
Capture the imagination, vision and emotion pf the
Epic film. Delve deeper into the film experience
Through alternative viewpoints designed to
Immerse the player into the action and truly ”feel”
The tension of the adventure.
As kratos, an ex_spartan warrior, you have set out
On a quest to destroy ares, the god of war armed
With the blades of chaos, massive swords chained to his wrists,
Kratos wages a campaign of death and destruction that will forever
Change his destiny. You’ll confront mytholo gy’s darkest creatures,
Including and more. Fight your way from war-torn ethens to the
Depths of hades. Driven by his rage, nothing can keep kratos from
Exacting his terrible vengeance.
On a quest to destroy ares, the god of war armed
With the blades of chaos, massive swords chained to his wrists,
Kratos wages a campaign of death and destruction that will forever
Change his destiny. You’ll confront mytholo gy’s darkest creatures,
Including and more. Fight your way from war-torn ethens to the
Depths of hades. Driven by his rage, nothing can keep kratos from
Exacting his terrible vengeance.
Deadlands is based on the pen and paper RPG of the same name, set in an altemate version Of the old west. In this 1877, a massive earthquake has exposed a super a super-powerful fuel source known as “ghost rock”.
Inventors experiment with ghost rock to produce strange amalgams of advenced technology and steam-are mechanics, some of which even defy the laws of physics.
The surreal landscape of the weirld west also contains the reckonres, evil supernatural beings that are terrorizing the people. It’s you versus the reckoners in this imaginative action RPG.
Inventors experiment with ghost rock to produce strange amalgams of advenced technology and steam-are mechanics, some of which even defy the laws of physics.
The surreal landscape of the weirld west also contains the reckonres, evil supernatural beings that are terrorizing the people. It’s you versus the reckoners in this imaginative action RPG.
Welcome back to the duel academy! This
School year is highlighted by an event like no
Other, something brand new to world of
Yu-gi-oh! The academy has decided to hold a
Tournamant with one catch you now have a tag
Team partner to help you duel! Practice dueling
With your friends, find the best partner, and the
Winner of the tournament will be allowed
Used of duel academy island for a day.
School year is highlighted by an event like no
Other, something brand new to world of
Yu-gi-oh! The academy has decided to hold a
Tournamant with one catch you now have a tag
Team partner to help you duel! Practice dueling
With your friends, find the best partner, and the
Winner of the tournament will be allowed
Used of duel academy island for a day.
A fan-made freeware homebrew project by a team called
Senile inspired by its love of 2D brawling classics such as
Streets of rage and fatal fury. The side-scrolling brawler
Is coded by neill corlett and features original gameplay
Design, but is also culled together utilizing(without license)
Background and character art from SNK and sega’s fighters.
It’s been three months since his escape. But in this time Mr.Y
Has brought the city into turmoil. He has taken control over
The city’s government and corrupted its police force. No one
Is safe and thugs and vilains rule the streets. But three young
Friends take a stand for great justice. Their names are
kula gem, max becon and mandy bluegard. No longer can
They tolerate crime, violence and injustice. So they go out
Into the streets to deliver some... beats of rage
Senile inspired by its love of 2D brawling classics such as
Streets of rage and fatal fury. The side-scrolling brawler
Is coded by neill corlett and features original gameplay
Design, but is also culled together utilizing(without license)
Background and character art from SNK and sega’s fighters.
It’s been three months since his escape. But in this time Mr.Y
Has brought the city into turmoil. He has taken control over
The city’s government and corrupted its police force. No one
Is safe and thugs and vilains rule the streets. But three young
Friends take a stand for great justice. Their names are
kula gem, max becon and mandy bluegard. No longer can
They tolerate crime, violence and injustice. So they go out
Into the streets to deliver some... beats of rage
Based on the epic novel, Romance of the three kingdoms,the genre-defining dynasty warriors series depicts the massive battle ignited by the fall of the han dynasty when three rebellious states moved to overthrow the emperor of china.
Dynasty warriors 6 delivers the exhilaration of single-handedly destroying thousands of soldiers on massive fields the lighting-fast king-fu fighting, fluid animation, intuitive combat system and immersive game environments plush the limits of tactical action!
Dynasty warriors 6 delivers the exhilaration of single-handedly destroying thousands of soldiers on massive fields the lighting-fast king-fu fighting, fluid animation, intuitive combat system and immersive game environments plush the limits of tactical action!
This fall, dniel craig will rwturn as
James bond for his second starring
Role in quantum of solace, a true
Bond sequel. The movie will pick
Up about an hour after the end of
Casino royale, bucking the trend
Of bond movies standing alone.
If you haven’t seen casino royale, all
Hope is not lost. That’s because this game will
Tell the story of both films at a roughly 50/50 split.
There’s even an extra scene that
Was rwmoved from the final release
Of casino royale that will
Be included in the game.
James bond for his second starring
Role in quantum of solace, a true
Bond sequel. The movie will pick
Up about an hour after the end of
Casino royale, bucking the trend
Of bond movies standing alone.
If you haven’t seen casino royale, all
Hope is not lost. That’s because this game will
Tell the story of both films at a roughly 50/50 split.
There’s even an extra scene that
Was rwmoved from the final release
Of casino royale that will
Be included in the game.
For some men, a question of honor is a matter of life and death.
In the streets of hong kong there are those who enforce the law and those who break it
Jet li is kit yun, an undercover cop who will
Face the impossible to honor the wish of a
Dying man. Sometime he who is most
Honorable... as also the most deadly.
In the streets of hong kong there are those who enforce the law and those who break it
Jet li is kit yun, an undercover cop who will
Face the impossible to honor the wish of a
Dying man. Sometime he who is most
Honorable... as also the most deadly.
in an where lawlessness abounds,
a new force is needed to
wrestle control from the worlords and
bring stability back to the empire.
Fight your way as a member of the shinsengumi
(the elite samurai plice) through this brilliant
Action adventure, featuring huge historical locations and advenced combat techniques.
Only the strongest will survive!
a new force is needed to
wrestle control from the worlords and
bring stability back to the empire.
Fight your way as a member of the shinsengumi
(the elite samurai plice) through this brilliant
Action adventure, featuring huge historical locations and advenced combat techniques.
Only the strongest will survive!
The scarface video game creates a gameplay environmant that authentically recereates the his-torical time period of the film, touching on politics, news items and events of the day.
As tony montana (in an alternate-ending story concept yhat follows the events of the original movie classic).
Players will travel through the steamy, often violent streets of miami, the irie islands of the florida keys, the bahamas and various other locales of miami and will interact with a world full of seedy and dangerous characters to procure information, negatiate business deals, smuggle contraband and avoid rival and dea on a mission to rebuild ther fallen empire.
As tony montana (in an alternate-ending story concept yhat follows the events of the original movie classic).
Players will travel through the steamy, often violent streets of miami, the irie islands of the florida keys, the bahamas and various other locales of miami and will interact with a world full of seedy and dangerous characters to procure information, negatiate business deals, smuggle contraband and avoid rival and dea on a mission to rebuild ther fallen empire.
In total there are fourteen
Characters available in
Beach vollyball along with
Twelve locations including
Venice beach stadium, flamingo pier,
Emerald marnia and silver sands beach.
A so called “super spike”
Mode allows players to earn
Special moves, speed-ups
And unlock secret features.
The game modes include
Arcade, exhibition, tournament And mini-game and
There’s spring break mode
Which tracks the stats ofThe player. Once she reaches
Certain criteria, new features
Will unclock, similar to sega’sVirtua tennis series.
If you’re worried about the
Looks of your favourite character, fear no more because you can alter all
The details of your beach hero including skin color,
hairstyle and accessories.
Characters available in
Beach vollyball along with
Twelve locations including
Venice beach stadium, flamingo pier,
Emerald marnia and silver sands beach.
A so called “super spike”
Mode allows players to earn
Special moves, speed-ups
And unlock secret features.
The game modes include
Arcade, exhibition, tournament And mini-game and
There’s spring break mode
Which tracks the stats ofThe player. Once she reaches
Certain criteria, new features
Will unclock, similar to sega’sVirtua tennis series.
If you’re worried about the
Looks of your favourite character, fear no more because you can alter all
The details of your beach hero including skin color,
hairstyle and accessories.
I returned home expecting peace. Instead i found
My kingdom ravaged by war and my people enslaves, now I am a fugitive.
Hunted by hostile armies and plagued by a curse that is gradually possessing
My soul a darker prince resides in me now, and I must embarce his powers and
Skill if I want to restore peace to my land. My people and my soul.
My kingdom ravaged by war and my people enslaves, now I am a fugitive.
Hunted by hostile armies and plagued by a curse that is gradually possessing
My soul a darker prince resides in me now, and I must embarce his powers and
Skill if I want to restore peace to my land. My people and my soul.
Raiden has summoned his two most powerful shaolin monks,
liu kang and kung lao to take the fight out of the arena and into outworld
in this epic journy, they will unlock cryptic secrets, explore perilous realms and
fight the deadliest of adversaries for control of the mortal kombat universe.
liu kang and kung lao to take the fight out of the arena and into outworld
in this epic journy, they will unlock cryptic secrets, explore perilous realms and
fight the deadliest of adversaries for control of the mortal kombat universe.
Genji is beatifully cinematic, sword-wielding
Samurai adventure based on the populer
Japanese legend of the same name. Acting as
The historic hero genkuro yoshitsune or his
Trusted companion benkai, the warrior monk, you
Set out on a mission to released the oppressed
From the evil forces of the world kiyomari and
Restore the genji dynasty to power.
Genji is beatifully cinematic, sword-wielding
Samurai adventure based on the populer
Japanese legend of the same name. Acting as
The historic hero genkuro yoshitsune or his
Trusted companion benkai, the warrior monk, you
Set out on a mission to released the oppressed
From the evil forces of the world kiyomari and
Restore the genji dynasty to power.
Devil may cry: special edition is an enhanced re-release edition of the greatest hits title, boosted and more bad-assed with a new playable character (dante’s evil twin brother, virgil, with his own unique “dark slayer” fighting style), the new lester enemy, a 20% faster turbo speed, an alternate gold orb save system, new and more balanced diffinculty levels, bloody palance mode pitting danto against an onslaught of enemles, and movie mode for cutscenes.
Devil may cry unfold an earlier chapter in dante’s gistory, before the original devil may cry, to the fateful clash between sparda’s twin sons, devided by the divergence of their chosen paths. The game increses the intensity of games play with a new “style” system, which adds an additional level of depth. Depending on preference, players can choose to use short-range, defensive or evasive play style
Devil may cry unfold an earlier chapter in dante’s gistory, before the original devil may cry, to the fateful clash between sparda’s twin sons, devided by the divergence of their chosen paths. The game increses the intensity of games play with a new “style” system, which adds an additional level of depth. Depending on preference, players can choose to use short-range, defensive or evasive play style
Resident evil: dead aim sees search and pursuit team agent, bruce macgavin shear
Heading a shady anti-umbrella organization’s attempt to infiltrateand investigate
a gigantic Sea-cruiser as it makes its way across the atlantic. Bruce macgavin
is a brand new character to the resident evil series and along with his myserious
female partner must battle against the hoards of relentless zombies that confornt
them for the first time.
In the true spirit of the survival horror genre, players must perform search and stealth manoeuvres as well as attack moves to make it out alive.
Bullets are scarce but new weapons become available as players progress though the game including a grenade launcher and a shotgun. Resident evil: dead aim maintains the action and puzzle solving elements that the resident evil series as known for, but is set in
a first-person perspective viewpoint.
Heading a shady anti-umbrella organization’s attempt to infiltrateand investigate
a gigantic Sea-cruiser as it makes its way across the atlantic. Bruce macgavin
is a brand new character to the resident evil series and along with his myserious
female partner must battle against the hoards of relentless zombies that confornt
them for the first time.
In the true spirit of the survival horror genre, players must perform search and stealth manoeuvres as well as attack moves to make it out alive.
Bullets are scarce but new weapons become available as players progress though the game including a grenade launcher and a shotgun. Resident evil: dead aim maintains the action and puzzle solving elements that the resident evil series as known for, but is set in
a first-person perspective viewpoint.
Chain dive pute platers in control of a battle warrior named
shark in order to wage war againts strange, inseot-leke
oreatures sent on world destruotion.
In chain dive, play as the warrior shark, using your ide chain
And ice slade to freeze your enenies, and drash them into sits
with your body smash. Employ your chain comed attack, which
allows you to attack multiple enemies at the same time.
Chain dive is a rare breed of a game though-for long feiods
It appears to be the most generic game that you’ve ever seen.
shark in order to wage war againts strange, inseot-leke
oreatures sent on world destruotion.
In chain dive, play as the warrior shark, using your ide chain
And ice slade to freeze your enenies, and drash them into sits
with your body smash. Employ your chain comed attack, which
allows you to attack multiple enemies at the same time.
Chain dive is a rare breed of a game though-for long feiods
It appears to be the most generic game that you’ve ever seen.
Centuries ago the world was in imminent doom until a man defeated angra and sealed away his godly powers into his own arms. People feared and revered this person who would become known as “God Hand”. Legend has it that anyone who acquired such hands would possess immense power that could turn them into a delty or everrum with thugs wielding super-human strenght.
A gruff drifter named gene finds his way to this troubled region and defends a woman surrounded by a brutal mob. Despite his viliant efferts. Gene is overpowered by these thugs and his right arm is servered before falling unconescious. He later awakens to find his limb whole again and thet he is now the possessor of the legendary “God Hand”. The burden of being hunted by demonic legions seeking the right hand of God soon begins.
A gruff drifter named gene finds his way to this troubled region and defends a woman surrounded by a brutal mob. Despite his viliant efferts. Gene is overpowered by these thugs and his right arm is servered before falling unconescious. He later awakens to find his limb whole again and thet he is now the possessor of the legendary “God Hand”. The burden of being hunted by demonic legions seeking the right hand of God soon begins.
Reflecting the stylized action of the marvel comic series and sony pictures upcoming film. Ghost Rider offers a unique combination of high impact combat and motorcycle action jhonny blaze is ghost rider destined to haunt america’s highways, visiting his righteous wrath upon the souls of the wicked and the damned. The high-octane storyline takes ghost rider to a large variety of scenes and locations while facing off against familiar faces from both the marvel comic universe.
New york 1979. A battle on the streets, the armies of the night number 60,000 strong, and tonight they’re all after the warriors-a street gang wrongly accued of killing a rival gang leader. The warriors must make their way from ane end of new york to their turt on the other side of the city. All that stand between the warriors and their survival are 20 miles and thousands of street gang members. The army of gangs owns the street and there’s no turning back, they must fight for their lives and learn the meaning of loyality as danger and uncertainty emerge from the city night.
The history channel takes you to the battle for the pacific where you will experience history brought to life in one of the defining campaigns of world war II. Relive epic land battles fougt on some of the most brutal and unforging battle fields in recorded history. Retake strategically important locations throught the pacific theatre thet are vital to the allies on the “Road to Tokyo.” Play through the eyes of an American GI as you experience intense, no holds harred action against an oppenent for which surrender isn’t an options!
Over 100 battles are available for play including the punic and samnite wars, and julius caesar’s conquest of britain. Players can customize and control massive armies with an array of soldiers including legionaries, archers, cavalry and even mighty war-elephents. The game deliveres battle realism en various environments, including steppe, forest, desert and coastline, with both day and night lighting.
Over 100 battles are available for play including the punic and samnite wars, and julius caesar’s conquest of britain. Players can customize and control massive armies with an array of soldiers including legionaries, archers, cavalry and even mighty war-elephents. The game deliveres battle realism en various environments, including steppe, forest, desert and coastline, with both day and night lighting.
Pirates! Band Together for Battle dan Adventure!
PIRATES! Be ready to Set sail for
The world of One Piece where
Grand battles and adventures a wait!
One Piece grand Adventure brings back
The fun and excitement of the ultimate free moving
3D battle with a brand new customizable characters, stages and mini games!
• Crate your own band of pirates!
There are 24 main and 51 support
characters to choose from!
• Build the ultimate pitate for the
Ultimate free moving 3D battle ever
On 20 super interactive environments!
• Explorer over 15 destinations from
The world of One Piece
PIRATES! Be ready to Set sail for
The world of One Piece where
Grand battles and adventures a wait!
One Piece grand Adventure brings back
The fun and excitement of the ultimate free moving
3D battle with a brand new customizable characters, stages and mini games!
• Crate your own band of pirates!
There are 24 main and 51 support
characters to choose from!
• Build the ultimate pitate for the
Ultimate free moving 3D battle ever
On 20 super interactive environments!
• Explorer over 15 destinations from
The world of One Piece
Pagi hari yang begitu cerah, dan saya seperti sangat bersemangat di pagi ini. Seperti biasa saya beraktifitas, saya berangkat kuliah dan sesampainya di kampus saya langsung memasuki ruangan dan tepat saya masuk beberapa menit kemudian dosen pun masuk. Setelah berbincang-bincang dosen dengan kami. Dosen lalu membagikan nilai, Saya berfikir akan mendapatkan nilai rendah, tapi kenyataannnya saya mendapatkan nilai yang cukup besar, dan itu suatu kebanggaan bagi saya pribadi, padahal menurut saya dan teman-teman pelajaran itu sangat susah untuk mendapatkan nilai yang besar.
Lalu kejadian itu pun terjadi, dimana salah satu teman saya meminjam hasil saya, lalu ia membawanya untuk membandingkannya, untuk mendapatkan nilai yang lebih besar dari saya. Tapi salah satu teman saya mengatakan bahwa ada kesalahan di jawaban saya, lalu saya pun berpaling keteman yang tadi membawa jawaban saya. Dan pada saat saya menyuruhnya kembali ketempat duduknya ia menggelengkan kepalanya. Saya pun menjadi sedikit resah. Dan benar pada saat saya maju untuk mengambil jawabanya saya diberitahukan bahwa jawaban saya salah, dan nilai yang seharusnya sudah saya dapatkan lenyap begitu saja.
Saya sangat kecewa dengan teman saya itu, setelah dia membawa jawaban saya dan setelah nilai saya turun begitu jauh, dia meninggalkan saya didepan kelas dan dia tidak membantu saya atas kesalahan dia yang ia lakukan. Dia seperti tidak melakukan apa-apa dan seperti tidak terjadi apa-apa. Padahal teman-teman yang duduk merasa bingung atas apa yang dilakukan olehnya, tapi teman-teman tidak mau ikut campur dengan kejadian ini. dan saya hanya bisa menyimpan kekesalan ini dalam-dalam, dan berusaha melupakannya, tetapi itu tidak bisa hilang begitu saja hingga saat ini.
Lalu kejadian itu pun terjadi, dimana salah satu teman saya meminjam hasil saya, lalu ia membawanya untuk membandingkannya, untuk mendapatkan nilai yang lebih besar dari saya. Tapi salah satu teman saya mengatakan bahwa ada kesalahan di jawaban saya, lalu saya pun berpaling keteman yang tadi membawa jawaban saya. Dan pada saat saya menyuruhnya kembali ketempat duduknya ia menggelengkan kepalanya. Saya pun menjadi sedikit resah. Dan benar pada saat saya maju untuk mengambil jawabanya saya diberitahukan bahwa jawaban saya salah, dan nilai yang seharusnya sudah saya dapatkan lenyap begitu saja.
Saya sangat kecewa dengan teman saya itu, setelah dia membawa jawaban saya dan setelah nilai saya turun begitu jauh, dia meninggalkan saya didepan kelas dan dia tidak membantu saya atas kesalahan dia yang ia lakukan. Dia seperti tidak melakukan apa-apa dan seperti tidak terjadi apa-apa. Padahal teman-teman yang duduk merasa bingung atas apa yang dilakukan olehnya, tapi teman-teman tidak mau ikut campur dengan kejadian ini. dan saya hanya bisa menyimpan kekesalan ini dalam-dalam, dan berusaha melupakannya, tetapi itu tidak bisa hilang begitu saja hingga saat ini.
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